Upon meeting Lou Castro through her mother, Sara McGrath also believed in the cult leader, who claimed to be an angel with superhuman abilities. She even thought years of abuse from him was for her ...
Claiming to be an angel with magical abilities to heal and predict the future, Lou Castro gained popularity among a small group of people and formed a cult. In Hulu’s ‘How I Escaped My Cult: Angel’s ...
Hulu’s ‘How I Escaped My Cult’ highlights the stories of individuals who have managed to break free from institutions they ...
When Tony Alamo was arrested in 2009, many dark truths about the abuse within the Tony Alamo Christian Academy began to surface. However, it wasn’t until years later that Pebbles Sarmiento shared her ...
The first season of Hulu’s ‘Paradise’ uses its penultimate episode to reveal the truth about what really happened to the ...
Living through physical and sexual abuse can be one of the toughest challenges faced by children around the world, especially when meted out by trusted family members. As explored in the sixth episode ...