Ian Millhiser is a senior correspondent at Vox, where he focuses on the Supreme Court, the Constitution, and the decline of ...
Prosecutors' failure to turn over evidence that might have bolstered Glossip's defense violated his constitutional right to a ...
In 5-3 decision, the justices set aside Richard Glossip's conviction, saying it may have been based on false testimony.
Princeton gave top alumni honors to Elena Kagan, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, and David Card, a Nobel ...
Economic boycotts have long been a tool of resistance. At the turn of the 19th century, the English boycotted sugar produced ...
The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to take up an appeal filed by the self-proclaimed Planned Parenthood shooter regarding an earlier decision to forcibly medicate him.
In this instance, Joe Ricketts, an owner of the Chicago Cubs, gave $500,000 to the state GOP. After that and some other large donations, the party gave about $1.7 million to Brad Schimel’s campaign.
The Supreme Court has found that people who score early court wins in civil rights cases won’t necessarily be able to recover ...
Imagine that the NFL made a rule change that allowed every team to have an extra three men on the field during the game — but ...
The Supreme Court has ordered a new trial for Richard Glossip after finding flaws in his death row conviction, citing ...
Richard Glossip was convicted by an Oklahoma jury for involvement in the 1997 murder of his former boss, motel owner Barry Van Treese, only by testimony from the confessed killer, ...
Both sides had told the justices that long-suppressed evidence had undermined the case against the inmate, Richard Glossip.