From as early as the 1990s, refugees started arriving in Malawi from some African countries seeking 'safe haven' - Anadolu ...
MHP Genel Başkanlığına adaylığını açıklayan Sinan Oğan, partiden ihracının Ankara 23. Asliye Hukuk Mahkemesince hukuksuz ...
Social Development Ministry calls for entry of cooking gas, fuel derivatives, heating supplies into blockaded Gaza - Anadolu ...
Türkiye's Investment Office launched a high-profile advertising campaign in New York City's Times Square, coinciding with the ...
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Aleksandar Vucic are in New York to attend 79th session of UN General Assembly - Anadolu Ajansı ...
Президент Турции Реджеп Тайип Эрдоган встретился с президентом Сербии Александром Вучичем. Глава турецкого государства, ...
На шоу, за которым наблюдали около 250 тысяч человек, SOLOTÜRK продемонстрировал свое выступление, сопровождаемое ...
Турция и Албания будут продолжать работать над дальнейшим развитием двусторонних отношений во всех областях - Anadolu Ajansı ...
On Tuesday, Kurtulmus will hold inter-delegation talks with Federation Council Chairwoman Valentina Matvienko. He will also ...
Palestinian resistance group Hamas claimed Sunday to have killed and injured several Israeli soldiers in attacks in the ...
Глава МИД Турции подчеркнул необходимость сосредоточиться на ситуации в Палестине и ее опасных последствиях - Anadolu Ajansı ...
The Lebanese University, the country’s only state-funded public university, said it will suspend classes in three cities in ...